26-Year-Old Tooth Gap Transformed Without any Braces
Our latest happy client is a 26-year-old young lady whose self-confidence and morale had been on a downward curve due to her gapped tooth. For her, braces were not an option since she was well in her mid-twenties, and she did not want to wait for a smile transformation that would take more than a year.
Problem Area
The patient had small teeth whose central incisor had a prominent gap, visible every time she opened her mouth to speak or eat. Braces were one option, but the treatment was thoroughly examined since she faced a problem with her small teeth, which braces could not fix.
For her dental situation, the perfect solution was veneers, which are thin films that are coloured according to the teeth of the patient. They are thin film-like substances fixed on top of the teeth and resemble real ones.
The patient was explained about the procedure in detail through a visual representation of what her teeth would look like. Since veneers are long-lasting and mimic real teeth, which do not require extra care, the patient readily agreed to this treatment.
With digital smile designing, it was established that she was the right candidate. Swiftly, the procedure took place, which involved making custom veneers, which took one week to make. In total, six porcelain veneers were used with minimal tooth preparation.
In between this time, Interim Prostheses were fixed so the patient could experience the magic of veneers. Then, the procedure took only 30 to 40 mins, and voila, the patient’s teeth were transformed.
The patient was ecstatic when she saw her brand-new smile in the mirror. She could not believe that years of self-consciousness were blown to dust in just a matter of 1 week, all thanks to the expert guidance at Yudhister’s Dental Care. Now, the patient can smile without worry and flaunt her beautiful teeth to everyone.
Frequently Asked Question
Is getting veneers painful?
No, veneers are placed using minimal preparation to keep the actual tooth intact. You will feel little to no pain during the procedure, though there might be slight soreness in the gums afterwards. This quickly goes away without any medication, and it takes about 3-5 days to get used to veneers.